Wednesday, January 7, 2009


CataTONICally Speaking

Through a Hole in the Air by Sheila Samples
Why I Sold Out my Vote to Obama by Alison Ross

Two poems by John Grochalski
Four poems by Marcus Weger
All of our problems are small by Jack T. Marlowe
Three poems by Abigail Beaudell
Two poems by George Anderson
Five poems by R Jay Slais
Three poems by CL Bledsoe
P.M. by Peter Schwartz
5 Cigarette Meditations by Glen W. Cooper
Three poems by Sergio Ortiz
Three poems by Thomas Vaultonburg
DaDa Manifesto c. 2008 by JD Riso
Revolution #9 by Howard Good
Math by Jane Chakravarthy
In the Morning Beside a Broken Door by Allagash Sinclair
Five poems by David McLean
Two poems by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal
Five poems by Felino Soriano
Two poems by Nancy Aldersmith
My Arrangements by David Stillwagon

Editorial cartoons by MJ
Photography by Deep in the Forest Cat
Collage Art by Aaydasra Ortega
Photography by Christopher Woods
Photography by Jeff Crouch and Diana Magallan

Now and Then by Edwin Young

What Things Seem by Daniel Crocker
Two stories by Kevin Bennett
The Purse by Jim Herrington
Mexican Marching Ants by Matthew Dexter
Her Shoes by John Ward
Distractions by Lydia Suarez
Damaged Girl by pablo vision
Hey You by John Calvin Hughes
Spiritual Adjustment by Joshua Scribner
Who Diddle Diddle? by Jef Blocker
The Reunion by Joseph Grant
The Biggest Problem by Paritosh Uttam

Sein und Werden 3.2 by David McLean (Webzine Review)
Thirteen Infinite Possibilities by Rev Heron (CD Review)
Puma Perl's Belinda and her Friends by David McLean (Book Review)
David McLean's Pushing Lemmings by pablo vision (Book Review)
George Anderson's Dancing on Thin Ice by David McLean (Book Review)
The 13th Scream by Cosmic Icons by Alison Ross (CD Review)
Misti Rainwater-Lites' The Kitchen is Closed by David McLean (Book Review)
Christopher Nosnibor's The Plagiarist by pablo vision (Book Review)
AJ Kaufman's Pilgrims and Indians by David McLean (Book Review)
Amanda Boschetto's Angels in Hell by pablo vision (Book Review)
Magnetic Textbook by Alison Ross (CD review)

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